Saturday, January 2, 2010

New House

It has been a work in progress but our new home is looking like a house. It should be ready in mid-April. I thought I would be sad to leave the home Carter had all of his first but I'm ready to clean out and move up the street. The walls are sheet rocked and taped, the fireplace is bricked and there should be a front door in a couple of days. It is definitely looking like a real house instead of a drawing. Carter is excited about having a fort in his closet (we had the stair well turned into his closet). I'm excited that he is excited about sleeping in his own room. With all the changes with the garage a nice size additional bonus room appeared. Chris is excited about having a cave without any windows. It is so dark with the sheet rock up you need a flashlight just to walk around. Hopefully he can get phone service in there so I can find him.

Merry Christmas 2009

Chase & Carter

Christmas Morning

Christmas Morning

Christmas @ Lolly's

We had a great Christmas! Carter was so excited about Santa this year. Although he didn't get what he really wanted and asked for he still had a great day! The think that Carter asked Santa for was a baby sister. I don't know where he came up with the idea but he is dead set on being a big brother. After I even explained to him that it was too cold for a baby to ride in a sleigh he looked up at me with tears filling his eyes and said, "but I was really good this year." It just broke my heart. Santa wrote Carter a letter telling him that he has talked to God and that He is working on it. The letter has pacified him for now. Besides a baby sister Carter asked for a big boy bike. That Santa could do!!!